Almost a year since the last entry in this blog and nothing new has happened at the Church.  We did receive a questionnaire about possible community uses for the "Cloudesley Centre" but it hasn't opened yet and we have no indication from the Diocese about future plans.  However, the building looks much better now that the repairs have been completed and all the scaffolding has come down (all except for the structure around the West porch which is apparently there for health and safety reasons).

But Historic England have been busy taking photos of the repair work and making them available on their Archive service.  If you go to and use the search facility (using, eg, "Holy Trinity Islington", or "Cloudesley" for a wider range of images) then you will find several superb photos of the church during and after restoration.  Unfortunately I can't find an easy way to copy the images here - the best I can do is this rather poor quality screenshot of "Detail looking up at the former church's nave roof and the ceiling above its sanctuary and apse, following restoration".  There are many similar images so I urge you to go online and explore.

Historic England Church Ceiling Photo


Meanwhile, Spring has sprung and the church garden is beginning to burst into bloom, at least on the South side.  Here below are some pictures of flowers to lift your spirits (hover cursor over images for my attempts at identification).

IMG 1354IMG 1349













IMG 1353

IMG 1350













There's also a ground covering of some sort of weed with tiny little blue flowers just appearing.  The "Google Lens" feature on my new smartphone tells me it's Veronica Hedera, or Ivy Leafed Speedwell (how on earth does it know?) - can anyone confirm that?

IMG 1358






#4 Guest 2022-04-17 18:33
Nice pictures Nick, keep them coming!
I’m sorry you have Veronica hederifolia, it’s the bane of our lives in Barnard Park.
You have two different oxalis varieties, neither is the wild wood sorrel I’m afraid. There are over 500 species so hard to identify, some are seriously invasive weeds.
The deep pink one is common in gardens and if you dig it up carefully you may find the tiny bulbils. It may be O. debilis.
#3 Kate Price 2022-04-14 21:55
Thanks Nick. It is a real pleasure walking past the garden and lots of changes happening at the moment.
#2 Gillian 2022-04-14 16:56
The garden looks wonderful.

#1 Henrietta 2022-04-14 16:25
Lovely! Thank you, Nick.