Articles and Subcategories in the "About Us" Category


Articles about the Cloudesley Estate area - the church, schools, parks, places, trees, wildlife and more - all contributions welcome!


Church Restoration Blog

Now that work on the church has actually started, it seems like a good time to create a new website section on the progress of this work.  The articles in this section are organised as a "blog", with the most recent articles displayed first (ie you need to scroll right down to the bottom, starting with "Church Restoration Background" if you want to read the whole blog from the beginning, in sequence).




Coronavirus Image

This is a new section of the website to inform and update residents about the dreaded coronavirus and what to do about it.



Parks, Gardens, and other places in the area

Trees, plants, animals, and other feature's of the area's natural history

Other features of the area

Articles and other research material about the history of the Cloudesley Estate


News: Cloudesley Association news blogs - most recent first.  



Meetings of the Cloudesley Association - most recent minutes first.