Click on the links below to access useful websites:

Islington Council

English Heritage 

Barnsbury Conservation Area

Islington History

Islington Economic History

Cloudesley Charity (manages Richard Cloudesley's bequest of the Cloudesley Estate in 1517)

Cloudesley: 500 Years in Islington by Cathy Ross (excellent research report commissioned by the Cloudesley Charity)

Churches Conservation Trust 

Islington Police

The Bridge School

Bradshaw's Handbook to London, the Cloudesley Estate (no 62)

Islington Society

Islington Archeology & History Society 

Streets with a Story - The Book of Islington (A-Z of Islington streets, downloadable for free)

A History of Islington, by Mary Cosh (Amazon link - pricy, but good!)

Through the Hole in the Wall.  A marvellous documentary about Milner Square as remembered by people who lived there in years gone by.  Quite moving but also uplifting.  The Hole in the Wall is the passageway into Almeida street - still there. 

Nextdoor Barnsbury This is part of a nationwide social networking service which allows Barnsbury neighbours to post and view articles on a wide range of subjects of local interest - crime, lost and found, job offers, things for sale, recommended tradespeople etc.  If you haven't yet joined it's well worth checking out, though you may need to apply filters to avoid being swamped with emails!

Islington Guided Walks.  This organisation offers a huge variety of walking tours in and around Islington including several directly relevant to the Cloudesley Estate.  They're fun and informative and led by delightful people.  Highly recommended!



#5 miles allen 2017-08-03 11:41
As an owner of a property in Cloudesley Street we are becoming increasingly concerned about the asbo behaviour of many youths in Cloudesley street from setting fire to cars and motorbikes. We have a no. of tenants that wish to move because they fear for their own safety. I'd like to make the local police more aware of this and wondered who else would support me in making this happen. The more people who raise this with the police, the more effective policing becomes, hopefully.
#4 Nick Collin 2015-04-15 15:25
NEW: Have a look at the Bradshaw link above - it's a blog by someone following in Bradshaw's footsteps a la Michael Portillo, but around the streets of London. This one just happens to be about the Cloudesley Estate and includes some very nice photos and interesting new material.
#3 Nick Collin 2015-02-11 18:34
Hi Dirk

Yes, I'd love to see your old prints and I think it would be great to put them up on the website. If you already have them in digital form then just email them to me at either or and I'll do the rest. Any format will do - I can convert with Photoshop. Otherwise, I've got a scanner at 16 Cloudesley Square, or we could just take digital photos. Call me on 0207 833 8765 if you have any questions.

By the way - we're still waiting for your photo for the Who's Who section :-)

Kind regards, Nick
#2 Dr PWD Meerstadt 2015-02-11 10:09
Hi Nick,
Fantastic web site. Great stuff. If you are interested I have lots of old prints of Islington eg night watchmans hut at the bifurcation of Upper and Lower(now Essex Road) Street, the Regents canal tunnel being built etc
#1 Nick Collin 2015-02-04 10:16
Any other suggestions for links to external websites?