Cloudesley Association Update – October 2016

1. Residents Meeting

Just a reminder that we are holding our next residents meeting on Tuesday 11 October 2016 at 6.45pm at the first floor function room in the Drapers Arms.

Sadly Rowena Champion is unable to join us, but we met up with Rowena a couple of weeks ago to talk through local issues and we will provide feedback during our meeting. Whilst we hope that the meeting will be fairly informal and be more of an opportunity for residents to meet each other, an outline agenda for the meeting is as follows:

• Introduction
• AGM Matters
• Overview of current issues (as discussed with Rowena Champion) and how they are being addressed
• AOB/socialising etc.

2. Underground Noise around Cloudesley Square (and surrounds)

A number of residents around the Cloudesley Square area have been disturbed by a dramatic increase in underground noise over the past few weeks. This may be also affecting residents on other streets which follow the path of underground lines.

TfL have contacted one of the residents concerned with an offer for him and other residents to meet with Jennette Arnold AM and TfL, to discuss noise coming from the Tube and concerns around the Night Tube.

A meeting has been arranged for residents in the Highbury area as follows :
Date : 6th October 2016
Time : 6.30pm
Venue: Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NJ

If any of you are affected by the noise and would like to attend this meeting, please could confirm your attendance to Fara Oladejo (Tel: 02079834349, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) as space is limited.

3. Kings Cross Pond

The Kings Cross Pond Club (, a natural bathing pool in the heart of London has become a very popular destination for local swimmers. It is a fantastic local facility which we would love everyone to know about.

Sadly, it only had temporary planning permission though as it was not envisaged as a permanent fixture and it is due to close on 26th October.

There is a petition to try and keep it open so if you are a regular user, or would merely like the opportunity to try it, please do sign the petition, which can be found at:

4. Pavements

There have been a number of recent pavement repairs that have not been done particularly well. Sadly one local resident on Cloudesley Road was quite seriously injured as a result of a loose paving slab that had been "repaired". Rowena Champion has been made aware of this issue but asks that anyone who has noticed loose/badly repaired/dangerous paving to send photos (either directly to her or through us). Please let us know if you come across any such issues near your homes.

5. Kings Cross Events

• Halloween in Kings Cross - special spine-tingling performances in Granary Square between 5pm and 7pm on Monday 31 October. The event is free to attend.

• "Everyman on the Corner", a temporary bespoke 32 seat Everyman cinema has arrived in the Plimsoll Building (on the corner of Wollstonecraft St and Handyside St).

• The London Greek Wine Festival is back for a second year on the weekend of 8th / 9th October. Tickets can be bought here:

If you are aware of any event, consultation or news item that you would like us to include in our next newsletter, please let us (or your street rep) know.

As ever, if you know of any neighbour who is not on the Cloudesley Association e mail distribution list, please pass this e mail on and/or ask them to provide me with their contact details so that they can be kept in the loop.

Amanda and Florence
On behalf of
The Cloudesley Association